V1400 Centauri & J1407b
作者:ParticleGrasp SevenSpheres The Sun
V1400 Centauri, also known by the designation 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6 (abbreviated to J1407), is a young, pre-main-sequence star in the constellation Centaurus. An unusual dimming of this star was observed in 2007, thought to have been caused by the transit of a substellar object ("J1407b") surrounded by a large disk or ring. No other transits have been observed, suggesting that J1407b may not be in orbit around J1407, but instead a free-floating object that coincidentally transited the star.
The ring system is ~0.6 AU (90 million km) in radius and has a gap at ~0.4 AU. The presence of an exomoon in this gap has been hypothesized.