Use Add-ons and Scripts
Celestia has support for add-ons on all platforms.
You can find add-ons in various places on the Internet
Recommended Add-ons on
Add-on Releases on Celestia Forum
Install Celestia
You can get latest version of Celestia here.
If the add-on is hosted on and the version of Celestia you have installed supports opening add-ons in itself, please click "Open in Celestia" in the webpage.
If you are manually downloading add-ons or the version of Celestia does not support opening add-ons in itself, please read on.
Use the default add-on folder (recommended)
Celestia reads a specific folders for add-on and extra scripts. On the following platforms, they are named "CelestiaResources" and it contains an "extras" (add-ons) folder and a "scripts" (additional scripts) folder.
The folder is in the shared folder of the app. To view the contents of it.
- Run Celestia at least once
- Open Files app
- Go to Browse tab
- Click on "On My iPhone" or "On My iPad" on the list
- Find Celestia and click on it
There should be a CelestiaResources folder in it.
The folder is in the external folder of the app. It should be Android/data/space.celestia.mobilecelestia/files/CelestiaResources
On Android 11+, you might not be able to see the folder above, instead you can head over Android/media/space.celestia.mobilecelestia, and create CelestiaResources/extras CelestiaResources/scripts folders by yourself.
Mac (Catalyst)
The folder is in /Users/YOUR USER NAME HERE/Library/Containers/space.celestia.MobileCelestia/Data/Documents/CelestiaResources
Replace "YOUR USER NAME HERE" with your correct username. You can also open the folder from inside the app by going to Tools, Open Add-on Folder.
Mac (Legacy)
The folder is in /Users/YOUR USER NAME HERE/Library/Containers/space.celestia.Celestia/Data/Documents/CelestiaResources
Replace "YOUR USER NAME HERE" with your correct username.
Windows (Microsoft Store)
- Launch Celestia
- File -> Open Custom Folder
The CelestiaResources folder should be there. The path should be something like C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME HERE\AppData\Local\Packages\40507LinfengLi.Celestia_r7f2qt5a05s84\LocalState\CelestiaResources (Replace "YOUR USER NAME HERE" with your correct username). You can also open the folder from inside the app by going to Tools, Open Add-on Folder.
Windows (Legacy)
There is a "extras" folder and "scripts" folder in the installation folder of Celestia. By default the installation folder is either C:\Program Files (x86)\Celestia or C:\Program Files\Celestia
Supply a directory for data to read
This is for full customization, see Override Data Directory to Read from.