Use Add-ons and Scripts

Celestia has support for add-ons on all platforms.

You can find add-ons in various places on the Internet

Recommended Add-ons on

Add-on Releases on Celestia Forum

Celestia Discord Server

The Celestia Motherlode

Install Celestia

You can get latest version of Celestia here.

If the add-on is hosted on and the version of Celestia you have installed supports opening add-ons in itself, please click "Open in Celestia" in the webpage.

If you are manually downloading add-ons or the version of Celestia does not support opening add-ons in itself, please read on.

Celestia reads a specific folders for add-on and extra scripts. On the following platforms, they are named "CelestiaResources" and it contains an "extras" (add-ons) folder and a "scripts" (additional scripts) folder.


The folder is in the shared folder of the app. To view the contents of it.

  1. Run Celestia at least once
  2. Open Files app
  3. Go to Browse tab
  4. Click on "On My iPhone" or "On My iPad" on the list
  5. Find Celestia and click on it

There should be a CelestiaResources folder in it.


The folder is in the external folder of the app. It should be Android/data/space.celestia.mobilecelestia/files/CelestiaResources

On Android 11+, you might not be able to see the folder above, instead you can head over Android/media/space.celestia.mobilecelestia, and create CelestiaResources/extras CelestiaResources/scripts folders by yourself.

Mac (Catalyst)

The folder is in /Users/YOUR USER NAME HERE/Library/Containers/space.celestia.MobileCelestia/Data/Documents/CelestiaResources

Replace "YOUR USER NAME HERE" with your correct username. You can also open the folder from inside the app by going to Tools, Open Add-on Folder.

Mac (Legacy)

The folder is in /Users/YOUR USER NAME HERE/Library/Containers/space.celestia.Celestia/Data/Documents/CelestiaResources

Replace "YOUR USER NAME HERE" with your correct username.

Windows (Microsoft Store)

  1. Launch Celestia
  2. File -> Open Custom Folder

The CelestiaResources folder should be there. The path should be something like C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME HERE\AppData\Local\Packages\40507LinfengLi.Celestia_r7f2qt5a05s84\LocalState\CelestiaResources (Replace "YOUR USER NAME HERE" with your correct username). You can also open the folder from inside the app by going to Tools, Open Add-on Folder.

Windows (Legacy)

There is a "extras" folder and "scripts" folder in the installation folder of Celestia. By default the installation folder is either C:\Program Files (x86)\Celestia or C:\Program Files\Celestia

Supply a directory for data to read

This is for full customization, see Override Data Directory to Read from.