Hayabusa 2
Hayabusa 2 is a JAXA sample-return mission launched to the asteroid 162173 Ryugu on 2014-Dec-3. It arrived on Ryugu in 2018-Dec-31 and collected samples from the asteroid twice in the following year. During its two year stay at Ryugu, it deployed three MINERVA-II "rovers" and the MASCOT hopper, before returning to Earth on 2020-Dec-6.
It is now on its extended mission to study two asteroids, 2001 CC₂₁ and 1998 KY₂₆, on two subsequent encounters on 2026 and 2031 respectively
Hayabusa 2 hovering beside 162173 Ryugu, 2018-2019
Hayabusa 2 before (left, 2012) and during launch (right, 2014)
Earth as viewed by Hayabusa 2 during its first (left) and second (right) flyby encounters
The surface of Ryugu as seen by MASCOT and the two MINERVA-II-1 rovers, 2018
Hayabusa2 performing its first sampling touchdown on Ryugu, 2019-Feb-21
The sample return capsule of Hayabusa 2 being retrieved by JAXA scientists, 2020-Dec-6