Author(s): Karistus SolHorizon
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SPECULOOS-2, better known as LP 890-9 or TOI-4306, is a red dwarf located about 105.44 light years from the solar system. the stars hosts two planets: a warm super-Earth (b= 1.32 Re) and a temperate super-Earth within its habitable zone (c= 1.367 Re). the planets masses have yet to be properly measured, but upper limits have been placed (b <13.2 Me | c <25.3 Me). LP 890-9 c is the second best temperate (potentially) rocky world to be analyzed by JWST, behind TRAPPIST-1's planets. This has been remade from SolHorizon's version of the addon, their textures are included as alt surfaces to the planets.
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