
Author(s): Karistus

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Exhibit-3, aka EXOI-254, is a G-type main-sequence star located about 226.43 lightyears from the solar system. the star possesses a diverse planetary system, ranging from small, hot rocky planets to sub-Neptunes to sub-Saturn sized gas giants. All planets in this system are known to transit their host.

Exhibit-3, a G-type main-sequence star hotter and brighter than the Sun.

Exhibit-3 b is the innermost of all the planets in this system. Completing a full orbit every 10.7 hours this highly dense, Earth sized rocky planet is an ocean of magma, the planet is also the most misaligned out of all the planets in this system

Exhibit-3 c is a hot super-Earth planet which completes a full orbit around Exhibit-3 every 9.26 days.

Exhibit-3 d is the innermost of the sub-Neptunes orbiting Exhibit-3, completing a full orbit around Exhibit-3 every 58.3 days, this planet likely resembles planets like Enaiposha (GJ 1214 b) just rotating slower.

Exhibit-3 e is the largest of Exhibit-3's sub-Neptunes, and the least dense, having a composition closer to Neptune. This planet completes a full orbit every 176 days.

Exhibit-3 f orbits close to Exhibit-3's habitable zone, though not quite inside of it. It's the most massive of Exhibt-3's sub-Neptunes though its composition is likely the same as Exhibit-3 d.

Exhibit-3 g sits comfortably within Exhibit-3's habitable zone, a binary system composed of an oceanic and Mars-mass moon, this pair is one unique addition to the system. both components orbit each other every 44.9 days, compared to the orbital period of the entire binary which is 875 days. Even with how massive the moon is, the barycenter point between Exhibit-3 g A and B is barely 16,000 km from Exhibit-3 g A's core.

Exhibit-3 h is a Neptune-like planet on a 8 year orbit. though larger and more massive than it's solar system counter part.

Exhibit-3 i is the most massive planet in this system. a gas giant smaller than Saturn, this planet competes a full orbit around Exhibit-3 every 22.3 years

Exhibit-3 j is the outer most of the planets in this system. This planet has a mass akin to that of Saturn and a large ring system, though its orbital period of 83.8 years puts it on par with Uranus in terms of irradiance.

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