Smart Lander for Investigating Moon

Автор(ы): DaveBowman2001

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The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) is a Japanese lunar lander that was launched in 2023-Sept-6 alongside the XRISM observatory. On 2024-Jan-19, although it had problems during the final descent, it survived a relatively rough landing near Shioli Crater, making Japan the fifth country to land successfully on the Moon, and remained operational for another three months until it lost contact with Earth on 2024-Apr-29

The SLIM lander photographed by the LEV-2 rover, upside down on the surface, 2024-Jan-19

View of the landing site as seen by the LRO, 2024-Jan-24

Lunar sunset as seen from the landing site of SLIM, 2024-Feb-1

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