What's new in Mobile Celestia 1.5.7

  1. April 2022 exoplanet update, change log
  2. Support split screen (Android)
  3. Use web browser for add-on list and news archive
  4. Rearrange some setting options
  5. Fix brightness issue on rendering nebulae and other objects

Please note that in this version, we have removed the online add-on list inside the app, because it lacks certain features on some frontends and it is difficult and will be too much effort to keep every frontend up to date with new features. You can still view the add-on list in webpages by clicking "Get Add-ons". In a specific add-on page, choose "Open in Celestia" to open and install the add-on.

Get latest version of Celestia here.

You can reach us via forum or Discord server.

Other news: What's new in Celestia 1.5.5

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