What's new in Mobile Celestia 1.5.2

  1. February 2022 exoplanet update. Change log.
  2. Added support for rich description in add-ons. Example: Mars Science Laboratory.
  3. Added support for running cel/celx scripts in WebView inside Celestia. Example: Script Editor.
  4. Added a "News Archive" entry in main menu where you can browse more Celestia news like this.
  5. Star Browser now shows nearest/brightest stars based on observer location.

Get latest version of Celestia here.

The News feature is a good place to get your artwork viewed by all Mobile Celestia users. We are accepting add-ons, articles, videos, user guides if you want to promote your artwork here. Submit your artwork via this link.

You can report issues about data on GitHub. You can also reach us via forum or Discord server.

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