Week 28, 2022: NASA Reveals Webb Telescope’s First Images of Unseen Universe
On July 12, 2022, NASA publicly released the first full observation images made by the newly commissioned James Webb Space Telescope. During the six month-long commissioning phase, five celestial objects were selected to test the flagship observatory's instruments, which exceeded all expectations and even surpassing the capabilities of Hubble! You can view their images in high-definition on NASA's gallery here
You can download the James Webb Space Telescope addon to view to view where in the sky the telescope is currently positioned in Celestia
Source: NASA
The First Images from the JWST
SMACS 0723, the galaxy cluster where the JWST made its first light, and first deep-field observations
Carina Nebula
The five galaxies that comprise Stephan's Quintet
Southern Ring Nebula
Spectroscopy from WASP-96 b
Other news: What's new in Celestia 1.5.7