Deep Impact

Автор(ы): FarGetaNik DaveBowman2001 BrianJ

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Deep Impact was a NASA mission designed to study the interior of Comet Tempel 1 by releasing an impactor into the comet, of which it struck at high velocity on 2005-Jul-4. Afterwards, it was sent on an extended mission to Comet Boethin, which later redirected to Comet Hartley 2 in 2010 after the former target was declared lost. It was scheduled to visit the asteroid (163249) 2002 GT in 2020, but the probe abruptly lost contact with Earth in 2013

Deep Impact before (left) and during launch (right), 2005-Jan

The moment of impact on 9P/Tempel, 2005-Jul-4

Size comparison of the comets visited by Deep Impact

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